In this installment of The Bat Pussy Files we’re going to the very periphery of what could be considered BP related, and we make no suggestions this has anything to do with Bat Pussy, Dora, Buddy, or SAM. But hey, a little Click Bait never hurt anyone, right?

Found in the May 15, 1970 Los Angeles Free Press (FREEP), seems as though a couple of what we assume were guys, aka Batman and Robin, were looking for female companionship for “fun & play” in their “winging bat-cave”. And we find there is a counterpart to Bat Girl: Robin Woman! But who were these horny bat guys? We’ll probably never know, because this evidently was the one and only time this caped chiroptera and his sidekick placed an ad…or was it?
Fast forward to March 1, 1974 and we find a similar, although probably unrelated, ad in the FREEP, under the heading DYNAMIC WHO-OO???

But this time there is a trail, of a sort, thanks to the phone number included. It seems that for most of 1973 and into 1974 whoever was behind this placed numerous ads, most of which had some humorous touch not unlike the first we came across. And we think based on these ads it’s pretty evident a Service was obviously behind the Dyamic Who-oo, which is of course not nearly as interesting as what might have been.