Pornography has always been disposable, and printed smut all the more so. And while there are countless known “lost” films, and many, many more unknown lost films, there is probably logarithmically more lost adult magazines that will never be known or see the light of day every again. And even those that are still around get short shrift when video smut, both vintage as well as modern, abounds all over the place today. With that in mind, Capri Show World will begin highlighting vintage print spreads (no pun intended…okay maybe a bit of a pun), starting with a new weekly series called SANDY SUNDAYS, in which we resurrect from the bowels of the Capri Show World storage rooms print layouts from two of the original actresses of the First Wave of hardcore smut, Sandy Carey and Sandy Dempsey. According to IMDb (for what that’s worth) they had 166 films between them, and I’m sure there were many more than that have been lost and forgotten to the sands of time. On top of their films, they also made countless loops, as well as untold numbers of magazine spreads. Which of course was nice of them, if for no other reason than our SANDY SUNDAYS might have been a much shorter series.
These will be posted weekly every Sunday (when else?), and we will keep a running list of them here for your perusal. Oh, and uh, none of these are what you would call “safe for work” (NSFW). You’re welcome.
In today’s Sandy Sundays edition Ms Carey is back, and for once her “real” name is used in the spread! Although I have my doubts that “Sandy Carey” is her real name, but more on that another time. This set is from a Parliament Publication mag called TURN-ON – Girl Power to Light ...SANDY SUNDAYS – 307 TASTY TREATS
Today’s Sandy Sunday’s title is a bit misleading, because instead of 307 Sandy pics you get one. As Uncle Spicy would (and did) say, “Deal wit it!”. But oh what a single picture it is! In addition to her lovely, er, smile, there’s something a bit amiss…her infamous butterfly tattoo is on ...SANDY SUNDAYS – DELIGHTS OF THE FLESH – NSFW
Today we have a Sandy Sunday’s overload of goodness, with not only Ms Carey and Ric Lutze cavorting, but also a bonus two pages (in color!) of Ms Dempsey as well! All this from a magazine titled DELIGHT OF THE FLESH (indeed) from Coronado Publications, 1971. We unfortunately don’t get a glimpse ...SANDY SUNDAYS – SPECIAL EDITION -nsfw
In this week’s installment of SANDY SUNDAYS we have a very special guest joining Ms Dempsey: Miss Rene Bond herself! We’ve had Ms Dempsey and Ms Carey together, and now we have one of the other early Porn Stars herself. Unfortunately there’s only a few pictures to peruse, but Uncle Spicy is sure ...SANDY SUNDAYS #9 – THE ACTRESS AND THE EXTRA – NSFW
It’s been a while since we’ve put out a Sandy Sundays spread…so sue us! There’s been a lot going on, OK? Anyway, in today’s offering from Parliament Publication’s* July, August, September 1971 edition of GIRL TO GIRL magazine, we have Ms Carey with an as-yet unidentified brunette friend, in which Barbara (Ms Carey) ...SANDY SUNDAYS #8 – WILD COUPLES – NSFW
After a bit of a break we’re back with another Sandy Sunday. This is a rather early sighting of Ms Dempsey, from 1970s Wild Couples, brought to you by the good folks at Pendulum. As always, enjoy.-SpicySANDY SUNDAYS #7 – WET P*SSY – NSFW
This week Ms Carey is once again back in the saddle, so to speak, and she is joined by early porno stud Ric Lutze, sometimes paramour of Rene Bond. We’re not sure of the year or publishers of this rag, but the photos were probably no later than 71/72. As always, enjoy. -SpicySANDY SUNDAYS #6 – THE CHEERLEADERS – NSFW
This week’s installment of Sandy Sundays brings Ms Carey back to the field as a cheerleader in the aptly title The Cheerleaders (publisher and date unknown, although almost certainly not after 1971/2). Ms Carey is joined by Vanessa Maloney and a couple of as-yet unknowns (to us anyway). This one is a rather long one ...SANDY SUNDAYS #5 – GOLD DIGGERS – 1970 – NSFW
This week Ms Dempsey is back in a solo effort in the 1970 Pendulum Publishing rag “Gold Diggers”, which advertises “8 Full Pages of Glorious Color!”, unfortunately none of which were in Sandy’s section. What we do get is four pages in glorious black and white. I guess buggers can’t be choosers. –SpicySANDY SUNDAYS #4 – 1 OF A KIND -1974 -NSFW
In this week’s Sandy Sundays feature, Eros Publishing Company’s 1974 magazine “1 Of a Kind”, we have Sandy Carey being joined by two veteran actors of the dawn of hardcore, William Margold (1943 – 2017) and Titus Moede (1938 – 2001). This is an all-Sandy C, or rather “Kelly Jamison” as Ms Carey ...SANDY SUNDAYS #3 – LOVE HUNGRY STARLET -1973 – NSFW
In this week’s Sandy Sunday feature, “Love Hungry Starlet – Her Appétit is Insatiable”, a Love Publication (#4) from 1973, we have “a day in the life” of a model who looks suspiciously like Sandy Dempsey, and has a similar plot line to last week’s: model gets seduced by artist/photographer (although this time the ...SANDY SUNDAYS # 2 – BLONDE SEX ARTIST & THE PAINTER – 1972 – NSFW
This weeks deep dive into vintage print smut is courtesy of Love Publishing, and comes from the 1972 magazine “Blonde Sex Artist & The Painter”. This evidently is “Number Three, Spring Issue, 1972” of some series, although I doubt there was a full series with that same title (but who knows?). Sandy C plays Viveca ...
More to come…